CFSS in Minnesota: What You Need to Know – November Education Session
Join Lifeworks for free education sessions that will answer your questions about CFSS.
Free registration here: https://lifeworks.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__RZOzJbJRX24QIsKe3oMRw#/registration
Learn all about Minnesota’s Community First Services and Supports (CFSS) program and how it can help provide greater independence in your home and community. Our team of experts will break down the key differences between the Budget Model and Agency Model so you can make an informed choice that fits your lifestyle. We’ll also answer your questions about CFSS, Consultation Services, and the transition from PCA or CSG to CFSS.
Education sessions are designed for all people impacted by CFSS, including: case managers, social workers, consultation providers, lead agencies, current PCA or CSG participants/employees/support managers, and people with disabilities and their families who wish to learn more about CFSS.
There is no cost to attend, and registration is required. During registration, you will have the opportunity to submit your questions to help guide the session. There will also be an opportunity to ask your questions during the session.
- Tuesday, November 4: 12:00 to 1:00 PM – Online via Zoom
If you need accommodations, please mention them during registration, or reach out to us at ktramm@lifeworks.org.