Consumer Directed Community Supports Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the role of Financial Management Service (FMS) providers?2. Does Lifeworks provide support staff for the participant?3. How do I hire my support staff? 4. Do my support staff need to complete any training? 5. How much can I pay my support staff? 6. What benefits do support staff receive? 7. How many hours per week can support staff work? 8. Can support staff administer medication?9. Do you want to be in charge of your own home care and support services?

1. What is the role of Financial Management Service (FMS) providers?


Providers like Lifeworks take care of financial tasks and employer-related responsibilities for people who self-direct their services through CDCS. This includes, but is not limited to:
●   Billing the Minnesota Department of Human Services and paying vendors or the participant’s support staff for authorized goods and services.
●   Ensuring what the participant spends their funds on follows the rules of the program and the lead agency’s approved plan.
●   Assisting with obtaining the Employer Identification Number.
●   Documenting and reporting all spending related to program funds.
●   Initiating background studies for the participant’s support staff.
●   Filing federal and state payroll taxes for support staff on the participant’s behalf.

2. Does Lifeworks provide support staff for the participant?


No, Lifeworks does not provide support staff for CDCS – but we are glad to assist you with hiring your family and friends!

3. How do I hire my support staff?


Being hired through Lifeworks FMS is easy! We just need basic information about your support staff and verification of their I-9 and related documents. Your support staff must also complete their employment paperwork, including being fingerprinted and passing a background check.

4. Do my support staff need to complete any training?


The support manager is responsible for providing orientation, annual, and ongoing training to their support staff. The support staff must also receive training on the participant’s Community Support Plan and on any updates that are made.

5. How much can I pay my support staff?


All support staff are represented by the SEIU Union, which sets the minimum wage at $13.25 per hour. With CDCS, the participant has the flexibility to determine their support staff’s pay rate.

6. What benefits do support staff receive?


Support staff qualify for accruing Paid Time Off (PTO). For every 40 hours worked, they earn one hour of PTO. They may carry over up to 80 hours of PTO from one state fiscal year to the next (July 1 – June 30). You can learn more about the SEIU Union by visiting:

7. How many hours per week can support staff work?


The participant schedules their support staff in accordance to the Community Support Plan. An employee cannot work more than 40 hours in a work week (Sunday to Saturday).

8. Can support staff administer medication?


Support staff cannot administer medication or perform other nursing tasks. A family member can prepare medication to be given.

9. Do you want to be in charge of your own home care and support services?


We can help! To learn more about Lifeworks Fiscal Services, contact: 651-454-2732 |

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